SSS Monday Challenge: spritz and spray

Another quick post this evening, sneaking it in before the baby wakes up!


On the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge blog this week the challenge is ‘spritz and spray’.  I knew straight away I had to enter as I have had an idea for a card in my head for quite a while and this was the perfect excuse to get out a few extra craft goodies to make it (I am still working on the dining room table since losing my craft room to the baby and I have to keep out minimal supplies to keep things respectable – my go to status is ‘mess’ otherwise!).

I stamped the giraffe from Altenew’s Baby Zoo onto scrap paper and cut out a mask, but I actually used the negative here on the project.  I stuck the mask onto my card and then used an airbrush to add colour in yellow and brown (I am using a kid’s airbrush machine, crafting budget also reduced due to the baby).  I put the yellow down so it made a smooth finish but when applying the brown I purposely made it more spray-like with larger dots to create a texture.  I then used Memento Rich Cocoa ink to stamp the giraffe pattern over the top of my image.  I did the same on a slightly larger piece of cardstock to create a matt to match.  The sentiment is from the same stamp set.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, leave a comment and let me know what you think!  Cx

3 thoughts on “SSS Monday Challenge: spritz and spray

  1. You are so clever to use the negative space to add the pattern! I haven’t invested in an airbrush as I don’t think I would use it enough… but your the results with the ‘kid’s’ airbrush looks fabulous!

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